Wednesday, September 14, 2016

How we started

13 September 2016

It’s our 3rd anniversary today. So happy!!! :)

So as a start of our #CarloLovesCha111717 series in this blog, I will be sharing how we knew each other, how we met and how we became friends, and eventually became a couple.

This is a long read.. so if you aren’t fond of cheesy/corny/boring post, then stop here... :)


We were both working in the same company (NGA) back in 2012. At first, I didn’t know he exists because functional consultants – AMO team were occupying the 4th floor while us, the HRO team was in 3rd. There was minimal physical interaction because everything was requested and done via email.

When I back-tracked our email conversations, the first encounter was on September 2012 when I asked him to create a new WSR for one employee. It was not a one-time “request-done-thankyou” email because it turns out that the WSR he created was incorrect. Hahaha! So I had to ask him to redo his work which he immediately did – and that’s when I knew that a certain CarloH (username in SAP) was part of the AMO team who supports us.

I don’t think any of us was interested to each other because everything was just work. There were only emails and use of chat whenever I had questions and requests. No charm, no spark, nothing at all! Simply workmates. Hahaha!

I was already aware of his presence so whenever I see him around the office, I knew that he’s Carlo.


Fast forward to April 2013: when I got back to Manila from a trip in SG, I distributed a few local goodies/pasalubong to the team and that included Carlo. He said thanks and I guess that was the start. We’ve done some mushy things: chat, text, viber and tweet. Hahaha!

Although I must say that for quite some time, we had an on-off communication. For the 3 consecutive days, we’re good. For the next ones, no text, no talk, etc. I guess we both have different set of priorities back then.


Our first date was at Gateway Cubao when he asked me to watch Hangover 2 with him. I guess everything has just followed afterwards – constant dine out, movies, text, viber, etc.

Work became easy from then on. He would always immediately help me in all work related stuff. I felt like there was some special attention if it was me who raises tickets. Hahaha!


I was set to go on a Boracay trip with friends but he wanted to go with us as well because it’s his 28th birthday and it will be his first time in Boracay.

Well, we’ve had some drinks on our first night with friends. Next thing I know, he confessed that he already loves me. I was shocked and I don’t know what to say... all I thought, there was nothing serious, just having fun! Hahahaha :)

Truth be told, I only came to know that we’re already an “official couple” when we got back in Manila and we were discussing what to do on our first monthsary. Hahahaha! :)


Gahhhhhd. I can’t believe it’s only 3 years! From being a workmate to being a fiancé, from solving the simple payroll error to real-life struggles, from being so broke to being “improved-financially-literate” couple, from being fat to being obese, from Manila to Singapore.. The only thing that hasn’t changed is the love of getting into places we’ve never been. Hahaha! I am so proud of us! Hahaha! J

Next blog to update: proposal and start of wedding preps!

Cha <3

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